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Getting the Dose Right for COVID-19 Vaccines

On-Demand Webinar

While the pharmaceutical industry has developed safe and efficacious vaccines to combat COVID-19 with astonishing speed, health experts are now grappling with a new set of challenges and questions to answer, especially around vaccine dosing. For example, what should be the differences in dosing strategies between elderly and young people? What are optimal intervals between doses? What about mixing vaccines? Will people who get vaccinations need a booster shot a year later? As death tolls from the pandemic continue to rise worldwide, we need to find answers to these questions as soon as possible. This “LinkedIn Live” event featured Piet van der Graaf, PharmD, PhD, Senior Vice President, Quantitative Systems Pharmacology at Certara and Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (CPT) and John Seigenthaler, former anchor and correspondent for NBC Nightly News. They discussed how biosimulation in virtual patients can quickly provide the intelligence needed to support critical decision-making and address these important questions.